Prabin is the first Odisha tennis player who qualified for white badge official certification in Kuwait in 2011.
Prabin tennis career was cut short, when he was among top 100 players of the country in under-14 category. Though he was a talented player due to financial constraint he was forced to leave the career, said national coach Subharnsu Sarangi.
The great thing about tennis umpiring is that when you start out you don’t have to make it your career. This type of job generally starts as a hobby for most people. But in case of Prabin it is completely different, his aim was to play in the international arena. By seeing his interest towards the sports, I personally give him a suggestion to try a new objective in the field of conducting the matches, added Sarangi.
Prabin has spent almost five years of conducting many AITA tournaments in various places.
The determination and passion for tennis of Prabin proved once again, All India Tennis Association selected him for the International Tennis Federation examination.
So if you like tennis and want to get closer to the action, it’s a great opportunity. It’s a long apprenticeship, and it takes at least five years to reach a white badge level. There is many miles to go there is a strict hierarchy in tennis umpiring, overseen by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), going from white badges, to bronze, silver and finally gold, said Parbin.
In my early days I had a aim to play with top international players Rafael Nadal, Djokovic , Roger Federer, but now the priority has changed I am eligible to conduct the matches in the international grand slam where all these players are in the race, he added.